Mason has arrived!! He was born Wednesday, December 10th at 10:26pm. He was 6lb 15oz and 20 inches long. Here is the story:
Tuesday I was having really bad back pain. I called the doctor and the nurse said it was probably him just laying on a nerve and they would check my at my normal appointment (which was Wednesday). Went to the doctor on Wednesday about 3pm. I was 5cm. So she hooked me up to the monitor and I was having contractions (although I wasn't feeling them). She sent me to the hospital. I drove myself, checked myself in and was in the labor room by 4pm. Starting to feel contractions now!! At 6:30pm they gave me the epidural (I was about 7cm). She broke my water about 6:50pm. I started pushing at 9:20pm and at 10:26pm Mason was born! He recieved a 10 out of 10 on the Apgar scale (perfectly healthy!). This morning he was checked by the on call ped. and she said he was perfect. She also circumcised him. Both Mason and I are doing very well. We are expected to be released tomorrow morning sometime.
Baby Mason
Mom and Mason
Dad and Mason
6 years ago
Oh April, I'm so excited for you!! Lauren was born on a Wednesday too :o) Mason is so cute!! When we come to Charleston next, we must get together!!
OMG! Wow...he was ready to see the world. :)
Can't wait to meet him.
Congrats! We are so excited for you! Holden was also born a Wednesday and on the 10th in perfect health. I wish you guys the best. I hope Mason and Holden will be friends.
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