Mason's first Christmas went well! We got up and hung around the house Christmas morning. We went to Aunt Jennifer's (Andy's sister) for lunch and presents about 12pm. He slept most of the time we were there. We ate some yummy food and got some great presents! He woke up to eat, but went right back to sleep.
We left there and went to Grandma and Poppa's (my parents) for dinner and presents. Uncle Buddy and Aunt Debbie had just flown in so they got to meet Mason for the first time. Again, he slept most of the time while we ate yummy food and got great presents. He woke up to eat, then stayed awake for awhile before we left. Unfortunately I think b/c he slept the whole day and was passed around from person to person all day he got a little over stimulated. He stayed awake crying, gassy and hungry from 9pm to about 2pm. It was rough.
Andy "flipped" Mason before we left my parents. Old wives
tale says if you flip a baby (literally) it will set their clock so
they will wake during the day and sleep at night.HAHA! We'll see if it works!
Christmas Eve Bath (First "big boy" bath)
Yo! Merry Ho Ho!
The Boys
Uncle Brian gave me a Glowie! :)
First Family Christmas
6 years ago